Project Proposal FERTIMANURE

Innovative nutrient recovery from secondary sources - Production of high-added value FERTIlisers from animal MANURE             

Project FERTIMANURE seeks to provide an innovative circular economy model to favor rural development in the agricultural sector by creating real synergies and links within farmers and other industrial activities.    

Targeted solutions based on the approach of the circular economy FERTIMANURE include:

  • New agricultural activities contribute to new business opportunities in the current fertilizer market

  • Quality-defined and standardized fertilizers that will overcome the variability and achieve consistency in performance

  • Diversify sources of nutrients for the production of bio-fertilizers

  • New Market Opportunities for Technological Companys Creating New Effective Nutrition Technology

  • Alternative and secondary sources of nutrients will ensure long-term food safety and sustainable agricultural production.

The main objective of the FERTIMANURE project is to develop, integrate, test and evaluate innovative nutrient management strategies to effectively re-energize mineral nutrients and other relevant products with agronomic value (organic additives and biostimulants) from animal manure and to develop reliable and safe fertilizers that can compete on the European fertilizer market.

The project brings together 22 partners from the EU (21) and South America (1 - Argentina) who belong to the academic community, research institutes, fertilizer industry and the development of new technologies, the agricultural and entrepreneurial sectors, and clusters. 


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